Useful Links

Allison Lounes is an American living in Paris with her French husband and children. She has all of the information you will need to guide you on journey to visa’s and insurance information.

Americans in France

This is a Facebook group where you can find the answer to many of your questions regarding life in France.

This is a good start to getting your insurance questions answered in the event that you will not be covered by the local insurance in your new country.

This website is one that I have used in many of the countries where I have lived. It is a compilation of all of the necessary information you will need to whichever country you decide to live. The information is updated regularly and is written by other expats living in the area. It exists all over the world. Some countries are more active than others but check it out as you may find what you’re looking for here. Also, a lot of lifestyle tips.


Meetup is an app. I think it is very worthwhile. You can create your own groups or you can look for ones that are already there. You should be able to find many activities going on based on your interests. If not, you can make your own. I. have had success with this app.

This site is worldwide and there are many activities planned through this website. It is worth having a look to see what’s going on in your area. Depending on where you choose to live, you may find some interesting activities on this website.